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PD Ports helps patients stay connected


PD Ports, operator of Teesport and Statutory Harbour Authority of the River Tees, is proudly supporting an initiative inspired by Teesside Philanthropic Foundation, to provide iPad Minis to seriously ill COVID-19 patients so they can remain close to their loved…

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HR2day warns businesses of ‘furlough fever’ when trying to get employees back to work


Nicky Jolley, managing director of HR2day in Darlington, has warned businesses of ‘furlough fever’ when trying to get employees back to work, potentially leaving them short staffed. As a measure to support businesses during the coronavirus crisis, the government offered…

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NEPIC launches marketing webinars to help your business stay strong, recover faster & build for the future


  It is currently a challenging time for many NEPIC members, and it is in difficult times like these when we need to work together in order to come out of the situation stronger. NEPIC is pleased to announce that…

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Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme: Practical advice for the application process


  Mike Mullaney, former senior banker and Square One Law banking consultant, talks to Graham Robb of Recognition PR about the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, offering practical advice for the application process and emphasising the importance of the 'right…

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Square One Law Covid-19 Business Response Support Group Update

Square One Law LLP

  Attached is a link to our video update on furloughing and the latest on the COVID19 Government Loan Schemes including CBILS, the big business version CLBILS operational from Monday, and the newly announced support for early stage businesses who didn’t…

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SME response needed to address the COVID-19 Outbreak


  The AHSN NENC has been asked to support the regional NHS North East & Yorkshire Integrated Coordination Centre which feeds into the NHS National COVID-19 Incident Coordination Centre who are leading the emergency response to the outbreak of COVID-19.…

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Changing Times, from Just Williams

Just Williams

Given the recent and significant changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have decided to theme this month's newsletter around the amazing resilience many of you are showing; and highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability in an ever-changing…

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px Group donate £5,000 to Teesside Philanthropic Foundation during COVID-19 pandemic

px Group

Tees-based firm px Group has reached out to support their fellow Teessiders suffering during the coronavirus crisis by making a one-off £5,000 donation to a local charity. An energy, engineering and industrial infrastructure business, Stockton-based px operate some of the…

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Johnson Matthey & COVID-19: Supporting our stakeholders for today, and for the future


Johnson Matthey, a leader in science and sustainable technologies, sets out the actions it is taking to support its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and communities during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. At JM, we have a clear vision – to make…

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ITS Online Training Courses

Industrial Technology Systems (ITS)

GAMP® 5 (3 Day) Training Course Takes place on 5th – 7th May 2020 The GAMP® 5 (3 Day) Training investigates in depth the main topics in the latest version of GAMP® 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerised…

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Educating Engineers: Upskilling the Workforce, 12 May, Redcar &; Cleveland College

Redcar & Cleveland College

  Join our online Educating Engineers: Employer Q&A, where we'll be discussing engineering in the Tees Valley and answering your questions! About this Event On the day, we will be answering your industry questions and discussing: Engineering in the Tees…

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Engineering a route to success

Redcar & Cleveland College

A return to your studies after years away from the classroom can seem pretty daunting. But find the courage to face your fears, and as former Redcar and Cleveland College student, Alex Risbrough, will tell you, the results can be…

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