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PharmaTech Integrates Conference 2022

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September 22, 2022

University of Strathclyde,The Technology and Innovation Centre | 99 George Street
Glasgow, G1 1RD United Kingdom

12:00 am - 11:59 pm


NEPIC Event Image

Inspired by the success of the inaugural online PharmaTech Integrates in September 2021, Life Science Integrates is delighted to announce the first in-person PharmaTech Integrates conference, taking place at the Technology Innovation Centre in Glasgow on 22 September.

This one-day gathering of experts in disruptive manufacturing technologies, provides a platform to discuss the strategic challenges in identifying and adopting the most effective methods and techniques for producing pharmaceutical active ingredients, advanced formulations and finished dose forms.

PharmaTech Integrates will form a connected industry ecosystem for collaboration and innovation that will transform the production of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, manufacturing, supply chain, and funding and investment.

For more information and to view the event agenda and high-profile speakers please click here.

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Trade association meetings have, in the past, been used as a forum for the establishment of cartels and they are therefore the subject of scrutiny by the UK Competition and Markets Authority.

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