June 4, 2024
Helix, The Spark |
Draymans Way
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
NEPIC’s Pharma Connect returns on 4 June 2024, in partnership with Womble Bond Dickinson.
We’ll hear from Womble Bond Dickinson on how they support the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, FEG Global on some of their case studies and life science expertise, as well as from Sterling Pharma Solutions and North East Pharma.
Trade association meetings have, in the past, been used as a forum for the establishment of cartels and they are therefore the subject of scrutiny by the UK Competition and Markets Authority.
For the purposes of remaining compliant with competition law, members should not discuss commercially sensitive strategic information (including but not limited to, details of proposed or actual pricing, information about target or key customers or expansion plans) in or around NEPIC meetings, including at unofficial get-togethers or over coffee/lunch.