Our digital marketing services include:

  • Targeted Email Marketing
  • E-newsletter advertisement opportunities

Targeted Email Marketing

NEPIC provide targeted email marketing for companies seeking access to North East England’s chemical-processing industry and large associated supply chain. With a database of over 2,000 membership 
contacts, we provide our clients with a targeted advertising channel that will transport your message to the desks of the people you’d like to reach and engage.

Whether you are looking to develop relationships, raise brand awareness or promote a specific product, service or event, a targeted approach will make your email marketing work harder for you,
allowing you to reap as much value as possible from your investment.

Targeted Email Marketing Rates
     Set-up & Initial distribution       Resends   
NEPIC members £350 + vat* £200 + vat**
Non-members £525 + vat £300 + vat

*Campaigns must be supplied fully formatted as an HTML file. If formatting/design work is required, there will be an additional charge of £100 +vat.

** Maximum of 2 resends at the lower rate.

E-Newsletter advertising

NEPIC distributes an e-newsletter to all of our member contacts on a fortnightly basis. We include available advertising space at a competitive rate.

Our banner adverts are priced at £100 +vat (price valid for both members and non-members).

Contact Victoria Pepper for further information and bookings via

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