Secerna Expands Life Sciences Team with the Addition of Trainee Patent Attorney
24 Jan 2025
Read more >Appleyard Lees presents ‘Tech transfer teams’ IP challenges post-COVID-19 and beyond’, a series of interactive virtual discussions, focused on the issues relevant to those managing intellectual property for tech transfer departments.
The series features speakers from our team of attorneys who work with tech transfer professionals from over fifty UK and overseas universities and research institutions.
In part one of our series, Appleyard Lees partners Barbara Fleck, Ean Davies and Richard Bray will discuss best practices around ‘Inventorship and ownership’, including unexpected issues that may arise, and pitfalls to avoid.
The first of the webinar series is on 17 September, click here to sign up.
Our Podcast covers a variety of topics including, best practices for tech transfer teams- listen here.
The Greenshoots Podcast’ by Appleyard Lees, Ep. 7: A preview of the Appleyard Lees virtual discussion series, ‘Tech transfer teams’ IP challenges post-COVID-19 and beyond- listen here.
Patent attorneys Barbara Fleck, Richard Bray and Ean Davies introduce the topics to be covered in-depth across a series of webinars:
Collaboration/inventorship/ownership | FTOs | Cost pressures | Funding | IP strategy | Commercialisation strategy | Plausibility and sufficiency | Multidisciplinary teams | Priority | Trade marks and other commercial considerations
Subscribe here to ‘The Greenshoots Podcast’ for insight into the issues affecting innovators, IP owners and IP professionals most, right now, in patents, trade marks, IP litigation, IP strategy, and more.
By Appleyard Lees