The world is changed forever due to Covid-19, we simply can’t avoid it. But, whether that long-term change is good or bad is down to the actions of the many and the policies of the few. In the new world, we can hope to see people shopping locally instead of importing, walking or cycling instead of driving, and working from home instead of commuting. This whole experience has been educational, and in an ideal world, we will be able to practice responsible consumption and production much better, now that we’ve had a good old time to think about our old ways.
As you may have read on this site before, Sustainable and Development are two words that exist in contradiction with each other. Development requires the use of an ever-increasing amount of resources and energy, whereas ‘sustainable’ is more about maintaining what we have.
Sustainable Development, therefore, is a term that doesn’t make a lot of sense and yet can be easily understood by all, due to its oxymoronic nature.
In this article, we are going to discuss the impacts of Covid-19 on SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. We’ll also make some assertions about what the future holds for this ambition.
What were the implications of Covid-19 on consumption and production?
External URL: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tamma-carel_sustainability-sdg12-sdgs-activity-6836239708385763328-e1cW
By Imvelo