Ensuring that workplaces are safe for all employees, visitors, contractors or suppliers has always been a top priority across many industries. However, in the current climate that we all find ourselves in, it’s never been more important for businesses to have a sound health and safety culture in place!
Having a sturdy health and safety culture alongside some key golden rules can not only enforce health and safety measures but will also keep the minds of everyone involved at ease that there are clear procedures in place.
It is vital not to let production and costs take over the importance of the health and safety culture of an organisation, and incorporating golden rules can be a great way to ensure it is a long term continuous goal rather than a short term box tick.
The active involvement of senior management in the health and safety system is very important, as ensuring that all employees and visitors are trained and/or inducted is vital to the success of an organisation!
Using a platform such as Calm Inductions is a great way to keep track of and build ownership of safety at all levels. This can include active involvement in workshops, risk assessments and individual training.
If you are looking to improve or streamline the processes within your organisation to ensure health and safety compliance, then get in touch with the team here at Calm Inductions who’ll be more than happy to help!
Email: info@calminductions.com
Phone: 01642 903030
Website: www.calminductions.com
By Calm Inductions