Just a note to any NEPIC members who are also involved with the Royal Society of Chemistry.
The 2020 elections are on-line right now. Election campaigning isn’t really my thing, but I’m honoured to be nominated for the Presidency of the Society for 2022/24 and NEPIC has kindly allowed me to share this with you all.
I’m keen to bring industry perspective to the Society, and through the Society to the broader policy discussion. Our voice needs to be heard post Covid.
In addition, I have the North East at heart and will always advocate for the region.
Just want to encourage any RSC members to take a look at the candidate pitches……and vote.
If anyone fancies a chat on this subject or anything to do with chemistry and industry, just give me a call.
I’m at home !!
Best wishes to you all,
Roy Sandbach.
External URL: https://www.mi-event.info/event/rscelections2020
By Newcastle University