ECITB Census reveals industry hiring challenges in the North East
4 Feb 2025
Read more >Recovery4Life (R4L) are a Gateshead-based business specialising in drug, alcohol and mental health services, experts in testing, training and treatment for businesses.
R4L are the only company in the North East region offering the only test that identifies the Covid-19 variant strain and differentiates nine other non-lethal viruses with the same symptoms.
Recovery4life have a test for Coronavirus along with 9 other related viruses (including SARS) which we are offering to B2B clients to support business continuity – particularly to support key staff and either keep them in work or get back to work asap.
It is a useful tool if a member of staff exhibits flu-like symptoms or needs to be checked on return from self-isolation.
The aim is to rule out Covid-19 or any of the other viruses, getting people back to work asap.
The tests are provided by Randox laboratories (sponsors of the Grand National) and a statement between Randox and Public Health England is expected any day.
The tests are a clinical test and require specific processes which Recovery4life is providing.
As this is now a National Emergency, Recovery4life is establishing a 20-20 fund for 2020.
There are 2 options when purchasing kits:
The 20-20 fund
Businesses can buy a test at £220 (plus VAT) which carries a £20 mark-up on the usual cost.
The additional £20 is matched by R4L, with this £40 donated to a fund.
This fund is used to pay for additional tests for essential staff.
Essential staff includes Domiciliary Care Workers, Food Banks, Home Helps, who otherwise may not be tested.
Buy one, gift one
Businesses buy a test at £200 (plus VAT) and sponsor a test at £200 (plus VAT)
This sponsored test is donated to those recognised as “essential” staff, including Care Home Workers, Nurses and Home Helps, who otherwise may not be tested.
R4L will also donate £20 from each test to the fund, that will be used to fund additional tests for essential staff.
Whichever of these two options you prefer, you can order your test kits by emailing
Pathogen Strain Source Concentration
1. SARS-CoV-2 BetaCoV/Germany/BavPat1/2020 EVAg 50 copies/test
2. Sarbecovirus (SARS, SARS like, SARS-CoV-2) SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 EVAg 50 copies/test
The specificity of the Extended Coronavirus Multiplex Array for 2019-Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was primarily ensured by selection of the primers and probes.
An alignment was performed with the oligonucleotide primer and probe sequences of the Randox Extended Coronavirus Multiplex Array Panel with all publicly available nucleic acid sequences for SARS-CoV-2 in GenBank as of 1st March 2020 to demonstrate the predicted inclusivity of the Randox Extended Coronavirus
Multiplex Array test for SARS-CoV-2. All the alignments show 100% identity of the Randox Extended Coronavirus Multiplex Array SARS-CoV-2 and Sarbecovirus targets to the available SARS-CoV-2 / 2019-nCoV sequences with the exception of one nucleotide mismatch with the Sarbecovirus probe in one deposited sequence (MT039890.1), bringing the homology to 97.8%.
The Extended Coronavirus Multiplex Array was also challenged using QCMD 2019 Coronavirus RNA and MERS Coronavirus EQA Programmes, which include seasonal Coronavirus such NL63, OC43, 229E and HKU as well as MERS samples, which are derived from clinical isolates. The Extended Coronavirus Multiplex Array detected all ‘Core’ samples correctly. The SARS-CoV-2 / Sarbecovirus did not show any cross-reactivity with these panels.
These are challenging times for individuals and businesses. Our aim is to provide a degree of certainty so that we, here in the North East, enjoy good health and business continuity, as far as is practically possible.
Rather than profit from this, we want to put the profits to good use through the fund, as above, and urge our neighbouring businesses to consider how they can support this.
John Devitt