CBAM and the Role of LCA
27 Jan 2025
Read more >Colleagues in the NRL’s Sunderland Recruitment branch set themselves an ambitious fundraising challenge as they took part in the NRL Group’s 40th anniversary celebrations.
Divisional Manager Lisa Jackson, Director Emma Lowden, Head of Compliance Joanne George and Senior Recruitment Consultant Laura Smith signed up to walk the Yorkshire three peaks, a 24-mile round trip.
To mark the NRL Group’s 40th year in business, colleagues were invited to raise money for charities that were important to them throughout 2023, with NRL adding a £500 donation where fundraising initiatives reached £500. The aim, to support 40 charities to mark the milestone 40th anniversary.
For NRL’s Sunderland team, who regularly plan charity fundraising initiatives and volunteering, they instantly knew they wanted to do something to support the Lighthouse Club and secure the additional £500 NRL Group donation. Agreeing on the Yorkshire three peaks, it provided a physical challenge for each of them – that family, friends and colleagues were only too happy to support. This meant that before even stepping foot on the first peak, the team had exceeded their £500 goal – which helped give them the motivation needed to complete the challenge.
As a company supporter of the Lighthouse Club, we were delighted when they stopped off at a client construction site in Sunderland in April as part of their #MakeItVisible tour. Chatting with people on site to highlight the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support they can provide construction workers and their families. Feedback from the visit was fantastic and helped to tackle the stigma around asking for help.
Divisional Manager Lisa Jackson reflects on the challenge;
“Since NRL started supporting the Lighthouse Club we’ve been so impressed to see the vital assistance they provide to construction workers and their families. So, when we looked at how we could get involved in the NRL Group’s 40th anniversary celebrations, we knew we wanted to help raise money for them.
“The way their team chatted with workers at our client’s site during their visit as part of the Make It Visible campaign, was fantastic to see. They really struck up a comfortable rapport, and helped show that topics such as mental health shouldn’t be something people can’t talk about. Life throws so many challenges at people, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help – in fact, there’s a fantastic team at the Lighthouse Club who are more than happy to provide support.
“On the day itself, nothing had quite prepared us for how grueling those three peaks would be, despite putting in a lot of training. Knowing that we’d already exceeded our £500 target and secured the NRL Group’s extra donation before we’d even set off though, certainly helped us focus on completing the challenge. Overall it’s been a great experience, and we’re pleased to have been able to support the Lighthouse Club.”
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