As business owners we can now see some light at the end of the tunnel, so now is a great time to kick start your marketing plans for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. This workshop will help you gain knowledge to allow your business to simply and effectively market your products and services, so you can grow and sustain a healthy Sales Pipeline.
Join Supply Chain North East with Red Button Marketing and Training to develop your 2021 marketing framework over three fantastic sessions.
This event is a must for any business wanting to grow, innovate, diversify or streamline. This is your new way of creatively marketing your products & services in 2021!
Ultimately, this program gives you a framework for your business growth with the support of a fully engaged and motivated team…and its fun!
Your people are your biggest asset so by working with a visual framework that is creative, innovative, intuitive and motivational you are on the right path to success.
In this program we are challenging the meaning of the word “marketing” and asking you what that means to you in your business. We are setting out a new definition of not only what it means but what it actually looks like.
All business owners and anyone working in a business who is involved with either clients or potential clients – so, that covers a lot of people!
This event is all about taking a step back and looking differently at your business with regards to marketing. Who does that in your company? How do you track that and what mechanism are you using to plan ahead? How are you measuring performance and effectiveness of both your team and the activity you are undertaking?
From there we introduce you to a revolutionary planning framework that will transform how you move forward with all aspects of your marketing. The process we share with you also gives you a way to motivate your team, invite and develop ideas from within, solve problems, save time and see increased return on investment. The focus of the program is to provide you with the base formula for a successful marketing strategy.
The answer to all this is within the concept of a button! Sounds simple? It is; however, you need to learn what that button stands for and how to take that to your business. The button will be your baseline and provides you with a robust and sustainable solution. There are magic threads in there that represent everything you need to do and the layers within that are essential for all businesses!
By adopting a methodology/framework into your marketing before you execute tasks and activity will make a big difference to output and results.
Once we have gone through the process with you, we will invite you to bring your current challenges and we will demonstrate to you how you can solve them using our process. Our solution is not a one off, this is a process for you to use ongoing in your business. Effective marketing and sales should never stop, and our exciting program shows you just how to keep going even in changing times.
Through a number of virtual workshops, attendees will have the opportunity to take advantage of peer to peer learning as well as network with other businesses, along with this there will be dedicated time for any one to one support.
Ahead of the workshops you will receive a workbook that has visuals and space for you to make notes that are relevant to you. Your workbook takes the form of a marketing guide for your business, so you are well placed to really maximise that to your advantage. This will prove extremely useful as a long term planning support tool.
In addition, by attending this event, you will receive a year’s associate membership to the Institute of Leadership and Management.
Businesses who are located within
Supply Chain North East brings together four key partners to work with over 800 businesses through to 2021, supporting them to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Strategic Economic Plan, that has a vision to create 100,000 more and better jobs between 2014 and 2024. Supply Chain North East is delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC).
Supply Chain North East is a multimillion programme aimed at revolutionising the way SMEs diversify their offering and embrace new markets. The programme has received more than £3m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund, which is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.