The Sirius Minerals Foundation has launched a £50,000 fund to support talented youngsters in the local area achieve their potential.
Grants of up to £1,500 are available for organisations to help children and young people who demonstrate exceptional skill in their chosen subject or activity, but face barriers to reaching their potential due to lack of funding.
The Foundation can support talented youngsters who usually live in Redcar and Cleveland Borough, Scarborough Borough or the North York Moors National Park.
Examples could include competition fees, transport or accommodation costs, specialist coaching or tuition, exam or qualification fees or essential equipment or clothing.
“We know that there is a wealth of talent amongst the young people in our area, but sometimes they have financial barriers stopping them from making the most of those talents.”
“We want to help talented young people in our area to progress in their specialist subject or activity and reach their full potential.”
Anyone wishing to apply is required to have a conversation with Foundation Chief Executive Leah Swain on 07724 832982 or by emailing grants@siriusmineralsfoundation.co.uk
This grant round is open to applications between February and October 2022.
By Anglo American