CBAM and the Role of LCA
27 Jan 2025
Exstream Fan | Product Spotlight
Thorne & Derrick over the years have listened closely to their customers and extensively researched the market to bring their clients fully compliant and correctly certified hazardous area solutions for the safe use in explosive atmospheres.
This includes product innovations for the heat, light and ventilation of hazardous areas that ends users can trust meet all the latest directives, standards & legislation.
These products deliver significant improvements to clients plant, people and operational safety in the explosive atmosphere industries ensuring ATEX, IECEX & UKEX compliance for Hazardous Area Electrical, HVAC & Process Instrumentation Equipment for UK and international projects.
Unfortunately the Explosive Atmosphere industry suffers from counterfeit, non-compliant and even fraudulently certified equipment. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure compliance of any equipment before it is put into operation. Equipment located inside hazardous area locations must be protected by suitable methods to limit the risk of an explosion.
➡ To discuss the provision of correctly certified Explosion Proof Equipment for Heating, Lighting, Power & Ventilation which complies to latest ATEX (UKCA) & IECEx Regulations please do not hesitate to contact us – Thorne & Derrick, the Experts in Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres, are committed to supporting DSEAR Regulatory Compliance and COMAH sites throughout the UK.
In the UK The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulation (DSEAR) 2002 has been a compliance requirement within industry for many years but one of the biggest issues is actually maintaining compliance.
End users should be able to trust that the information they are being provided with is true and accurate. Regretfully this is not always the case. Over the past 18 months, several non-compliant products have been brought to our attention and the HSE has issued product recalls due to safety concerns.
There are currently innumerable industrial application fans in service as part of hazardous area ventilation systems – often these fans do not meet the non-electrical standards.
Non-compliant fans located in potentially explosive atmospheres should be immediately removed from service as they pose a serious Health & Safety issue due to the significant risk of explosion and the threat to end user’s plant assets and personnel.
Certificates prove compliance with the standards requested by the manufacturer but what if the manufacturer does not seek compliance with all the relevant standards for the product being manufactured? How can a manufacturer claim a fan is ATEX certified if it was never tested or checked for compliance with BSEN14986:2017?
The reality is that some of the components, perhaps the motor and the switch are correctly certified for use in explosive atmospheres, but this DOES NOT mean the complete fan unit will be compliant and safe to use.
Thorne & Derrick & Woodcock and Wilson have combined resources to bring to the market a fully compliant & correctly certified portable ventilation solution for explosive atmospheres that end users can trust.
Stocked & Distributed by Thorne & Derrick | Exstream fans are the market-leading ATEX fan to provide powerful and portable ventilation in hazardous areas – now in use on multiple sites by world leading clients.
The Exstream is the first portable ventilation fan that has achieved tri-certification ATEX, IECEX & UKEX to both Electrical & Non-Electrical standards. From 1st January 2023, ATEX will be replaced in the UK with UKEX. Products without UKEX certification will not be permitted onto the UK market.
The following check-list provides information to clients to ensure their ventilation fans are safe and compliant with ATEX and IECEx requirements for service in potentially explosive atmospheres and hazardous area locations.
Hazardous area certification must show compliance to BS EN 14986: 2017
Beware of product only using the certification from the electrical equipment. ATEX covers both mechanical and electrical equipment.
Dedicated ATEX documentation with regard to operation, installation and maintenance
Clearances between rotating elements and fan casing
Rigid impeller construction with over-speed capacity
Spark minimisation using correct material pairing
Dedicated fan ATEX nameplate
Anti-static protection through correct earthing
Conformity to BSEN ISO 80079-36&37:2016
➡ To discuss how T&D can assist with compliance, to request a demo (on site or online) or general specification advice contact us today.
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By Thorne & Derrick International