Tune into this free online showcase to learn more about how tech is being used to help Sunderland City Council achieve its net zero targets.
This showcase presents 2 low carbon innovation challenges with Sunderland City Council and Digital Catapult. As part of the challenges, tech startups and SMEs were invited to pitch ideas that would help improve Sunderland’s carbon footprint in 2 distinct areas. Following this, 2 companies were awarded commercial contracts to implement working prototypes.
About the challenges
In partnership with Digital Catapult, Sunderland City Council published two low carbon innovation challenges in 2021 to help achieve its net zero challenges:
Transport Challenge – this focuses on understanding travel choices and mobility patterns across the city’s transport network to influence behaviour for more sustainable transport modes. It was awarded to Nebula Labs, which developed a novel data analysis solution with support from Newcastle University’s National Innovation Centre for Data.
Carbon Neutral Challenge – this involves using data and technology to better understand and positively influence building emissions. It was awarded to Nomad Energy Solutions, which is helping decarbonise two large business centres in Sunderland using energy data and IoT systems focused on heat transition and improved air quality.
More information
If you have any queries or access requirements for this digital event, please let us know by emailing Sophie.craggs@sunderlandsoftwarecity.com