I want to draw your attention to and invite you to join a free to attend workshop organised by the Chemical Industries Association.
The event is open to non-member companies and the workshop is designed to be especially valuable to SMEs including those who need to increase their level of preparedness ahead of the UK’s EU exit.
The CIA-organised event will share the very latest information and guidance, relevant to the chemistry using community.
The objective of the workshop will be to assist companies as they put in place contingencies ahead of the UK leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October 2019.
Should the UK leave without a deal the impact on the regulatory and trading requirements will be significant.
Sessions will focus on key areas such as regulations (including REACH, CLP, Biocides), tariffs and customs/border processes.
I am delighted that representatives from DEFRA, the Health and Safety Executive and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs will supplement the detailed briefing from CIA’s policy leads.
The workshop is supported by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy through the Business Readiness Fund.
BEIS recognise the criticality of the chemical industry and broader sector and the potential of a negative impact on downstream industries should there be any interruption in supply.
Every effort is being made to ensure that potential hiccups are mitigated wherever possible.
Preparation now might avoid your products being held at an exit port due to missing documentation or raw materials not arriving on time to meet your production schedules.
Space on the day is strictly limited to the first 100 delegates.
Registrations will be allocated on a first come basis and limited to one delegate per company.
For those not able to join the event, for whatever reason, the CIA will share copies of speaker slides.
I’m also pleased to confirm that CIA will publish a guide that provides step by step information covering key policy areas that explain the changes that UK companies should now be preparing for ahead of exit.
We will distribute copies of the publication to individual companies, multipliers, other trade associations and regional cluster organisations.
Please click below to register, if you would like to join the event on 10 October.
Ian Cranshaw
Head of International Trade, CIA and
Operations Manager of Chemicals Northwest
External URL: https://www.cognitoforms.com/MintEventsLtd1/BookingForm