Cluster Connect is your opportunity to catch up with members, hear the latest news, promote developments and network with your target audience.
Our April event will be held online and we will hear three new member presentations as well as the opportunity to introduce yourselves to each other in our breakout room sessions and engage in wonderful conversations.
Short member presentations will be from :
The BidBase – Work winning solutions – helping organisations secure more work!The BidBase have over 40 years’ experience in sales, marketing, bid writing and operational delivery. Although North of England based, they also provide an international service.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This event is open to NEPIC members & Supply Chain North East participants.
Supply Chain North East brings together four key partners to work with over 800 businesses through to 2021, supporting them to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Strategic Economic Plan, that has a vision to create 100,000 more and better jobs between 2014 and 2024. , Supply Chain North East is delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC).
Supply Chain North East is a multimillion programme aimed at revolutionising the way SMEs diversify their offering and embrace new markets. The programme has received more than £3m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund, which is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.
Trade association meetings have, in the past, been used as a forum for the establishment of cartels and they are therefore the subject of scrutiny by the UK Competition and Markets Authority.
For the purposes of remaining compliant with competition law, members should not discuss commercially sensitive strategic information (including but not limited to, details of proposed or actual pricing, information about target or key customers or expansion plans) in or around NEPIC meetings, including at unofficial get-togethers or over coffee/lunch.